In developing Family Portrait Month as a high-profile charitable marketing promotion, PPA Charities' leadership has intentionally left it up to individual studios to decide how they wish to market and raise funds to benefit Operation Smile.
How can I participate?
Any PPA-member studio can participate in this promotion if they:
- Make a minimum donation of $25 to PPA Charities (an annual donation, payable each year that you choose to participate in the promotion).
- Contribute a minimum donation of $25 per session made during the national Family Portrait Month promotion.
What are the requirements?
The only requirement is those minimum $25 donations to PPA Charities for each family portrait session occurring during October. Otherwise, you are free to decide how much to contribute--an entire session fee, part of a session fee, a percentage of each sale, or a specified amount of $25 or more. If you choose, you can even accept donations for Operation Smile year-round, not just in October.
Other options?
If you prefer, you can make a personal donation PPA Charities on behalf of Operation Smile. Remember that it takes only $240 to buy the gift of surgery for a deserving child. So ask yourself: How Many Smiles Can I Buy?
What information or help will I get?
Once registered as a participant (and your $25 minimum donation to PPA Charities is processed), you will receive helpful information and ideas, and your own information will be listed in several places.
- You will receive an e-mail that provides password-protected access to marketing tips, written resources, and downloads. On this site you will also find real-world information on how different photographers have used Family Portrait Month in their own marketing programs, and other ways in which they have contributed to Operation Smile.These online resources are for your inspiration and use.
- We ask that you check this site often to learn about additional promotional ideas and news items about PPA Charities, Family Portrait Month, and Operation Fee. By subscribing to our feed, you will be notified whenever no items are posted. To do so, click here.
- You also will receive PPA Charities and Family Portrait Month news through a periodic PPACH newsletter and email blasts.
- Your studio's information will be listed on, on Family Portrait Month materials, and through Operation Smile's promotional materials and Website (
- As a participant in Family Portrait Month, you will have access to special offers made by industry vendors as they become available.
What are the important dates?
Remember that Family Portrait Month fund-raising activities can take place year-round and are not limited to October:
- Start planning your 2009 Family Portrait Month marketing strategies.
- Download resources from the Marketing Ideas section.
- Order promotional materials so you can have handouts ASAP. You'll need them to encourage clients and prospects to book early.
- Mention Family Portrait Month in upcoming newsletters or online studio entries.
- Put promotional cards in finished orders as a low-cost way to spread the word.
- Complete your media schedule, including direct mailings.
- Start your Family Portrait Month sessions.
- Final date to forward Operation Smile donations to PPA Charities.
How do I send in Operation Smile donations?
Your Family Portrait Month clients should make all payments directly to your business. Once each week, calculate how much you wish to contribute from each client's session. Write a check for that week's total contribution, making it payable to PPA Charities. PPA Charities will compile the funds for Operation Smile. Send it to:
PPA Charities
Attn: Bert Behnke
20600 S. Old Wolf Road
Mokena, IL 60448NEXT: Family Portrait Month Marketing Ideas